tiistai 21. tammikuuta 2025

History repeating

No nyt tämäkin "The Golden Age of America Begins Right Now" on 20..1.2025 nähty.  Ajattelemaan kykenemättönät kansanjoukot kaiken maailman asiantuntijoineen ja lakeijoineen on taas "vapaahtoisina" värvätty/lupautuneet kaivamaan omia hautojaan kuten lähes 90-vuotta sitten 30.1.1933!

The word is about, there's something evolving,Whatever may come, the world keeps revolving...They say the next big thing is here,That the revolution's near,
But to me it seems quite clearThat's it's all just a little bit of history repeating.The newspapers shout a new style is growing,But it don't know if it's coming or going,
There is fashion, there is fadSome is good, some is badAnd the joke rather sad,That it's all just a little bit of History repeating.
And I've seen it beforeAnd I'll see it againYes I've seen it beforeJust little bits of history repeating
Some people don't dance, if they don't know who's singing,Why ask your head, it's your hips that are swingingLife's for us to enjoyWoman, man, girl and boy,Feel the pain, feel the joyAside set the little bits of history repeating
Just little bits of history repeatingAnd I've seen it beforeAnd I'l see it againYes I've seen it beforeJust little bits of history repeating